KlimaTicket Ö
With the KlimaTicket Ö, you can travel for 365 days on all public transport services (public and private rail transport, urban transport and transport associations) throughout Austria in an environmentally friendly way. In Vienna, it also entitles you to an unlimited number of journeys on the underground, tram and bus.
You can buy the KlimaTicket Ö from Wiener Linien at all information and ticket offices, the Erdberg Customer Centre and the Spittelau Service Treff. Please bring a passport photo and an official photo ID with you. You can purchase the KlimaTicket Ö online directly via the website www.klimaticket.at.
KlimaTicket Metropolregion (Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland)
The KlimaTicket Metropolregion gives you access to the entire VOR public transport network in the eastern region (Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland), including underground, tram and bus services in the Vienna core zone.
You can buy the KlimaTicket Metropolregion from Wiener Linien at all information and ticket offices, the Customer Centre Erdberg and the Service Treff Spittelau. Please bring a passport photo and an official photo ID with you. You can purchase the KlimaTicket Metropolregion online directly via the website of Verkehrsverbund Ostregion.
KlimaTicket Region (Lower Austria, Burgenland)
With the KlimaTicket Region you can use all VOR lines in Lower Austria and Burgenland.
You can buy the KlimaTicket Region at all Wiener Linien information and ticket offices, the Erdberg Customer Centre and the Spittelau Service Treff. Please bring a passport photo and an official photo ID with you. You can purchase the KlimaTicket Region online directly via the website of Verkehrsverbund Ostregion.
Wiener Linien Customer Service
Do you have questions about your ticket? Have you been found without a valid ticket and have to pay an additional fee? Do you have questions or problems when buying tickets online? Do you have praise, a complaint or a suggestion for us? Whatever concern you have: We are happy to take care of it!
Get in touch with us
Handle your request online: Visit our Help Center
Find an office: Offices & opening hours
Call our service line: +43 1 7909 100