Welcome to the press office of Wiener Linien!

Contact for media representatives

For general enquiries please drop us a message at presse@wienerlinien.at or call us at +43 664 8848 2237. For all other enquiries, our spokespersons will be happy to help you. 

Please note that our press officers will only respond to enquiries from media representatives.

For questions about our products and services, please contact our customer service:

Your contact persons in Corporate Communications:

woman in a black jacket with blonde hair looks at the camera

Anna Maria Reich-Kellnhofer

Head of Corporate Communications

Anna Maria Reich-Kellnhofer manages communications, marketing, advertising and event management at Wiener Linien.

woman with dark short hair smiles at the camera

Andrea Zefferer

Interim Head of Corporate Newsroom

woman with glasses and blonde hair crosses her arms and smiles at the camera

Eunike de Wilde


woman in a black turtleneck smiles at the camera

Annina Kummer


woman with glasses and dark hair looks at the camera

Kathrin Liener


woman with dark long haier looks at the camera

Carina Novy


woman with blonde hair in a dress crosses her arms and looks at the camera

Katharina Steinbrecher

Head of Corporate Newsroom - currently on maternity leave

Katharina Steinbrecher is in charge of press relations, online and social media appearances and internal communications at Wiener Linien.

woman with long blonde hair looks at the camera

Ingrid Monsberger-Köchler

Spokeswoman public transport expansion U2xU5

Photo and filming permit

If you want to take photos or make films in vehicles and/or underground stations of Wiener Linien that go beyond private snapshots, you need a filming permit. 

The use of tripods is generally not permitted.

Permit for topical reporting with small team, hand-held camera

Permissions for topical reporting - small team, hand-held camera - in connection with Wiener Linien are possible at short notice and informally. To do so, please contact us by phone or by e-mail and let us know exactly when and where you would like to shoot. On holidays and weekends, it is absolutely necessary you contact us by telephone at +43 664 8848 2237.

It goes without saying that you must follow the instructions of our staff on site and take care not to obstruct operations or passengers.

Permit for TV and film shoots

To request a filming permit please use our online form.

Vienna's public transport system is a popular filming location. Photo and film shoots in the area of the Vienna public transport system must be registered and may be accompanied by our employees. The resulting effort will be charged by us with a fee depending on the requirements.

Shooting on public transport lines is possible from 9am to 2:30pm and after 6pm, on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 9am all day. We ask for your understanding that filming that entails operational restrictions is not possible during operating hours.

We are happy to support larger-scale work and fictional formats. Please contact us with sufficient lead time so that we can assess what preparations are necessary.

Wiener Linien Customer Service

  • Do you have questions about your ticket? Have you been found without a valid ticket and have to pay an additional fee? Do you have questions or problems when buying tickets online? Do you have praise, a complaint or a suggestion for us? Whatever concern you have: We are happy to take care of it!

Get in touch with us