Conditions of Carriage

Here you find the conditions of carriage of Wiener Linien.

House rules and conditions of carriage

When you pass through the ticket barriers or board our vehicles, you declare that you agree to our conditions of carriage and fare regulations.

The house rules apply to the entire station area from the station name sign in the entrance or exit area to the edge of the platform. By entering our labelled station facilities, you declare that you agree to the Wiener Linien house rules.

To the house rules

Conditions of Carriage

As of 1 March 2023

A. Scope of validity and conclusion of a contract

You conclude a contract of carriage with WIENER LINIEN when you:

  • Board a tram or a bus (in normal service or operated on behalf of Wiener Linien) or
  • Pass the validation barrier in an underground station (the area in underground stations where ticket validators indicate that you require a ticket). This is irrespective of whether you then travel on the underground or not.

By concluding such a contract of carriage, our conditions of carriage are deemed as having been agreed and accepted.

B. Transport services

You are entitled to transport on the vehicles of WIENER LINIEN and on the buses operated on behalf of WIENER LINIEN if:

  • You adhere to the conditions of carriage of WIENER LINIEN, the house rules of WIENER LINIEN, the fare regulations of Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region GmbH ( and the applicable statutory regulations (,
  • The officially approved capacity of the vehicles used for service operations is not exceeded, and
  • Transport is not prevented by circumstances that are neither caused nor can be prevented by WIENER LINIEN (force majeure).

C. Tickets

  1. Tickets are any single tickets, travel passes and special offers issued in the Verkehrsverbund OstRegion for the Vienna zone. Single tickets are available for one or two journeys. Season tickets include, for example, annual, weekly and monthly passes as well as the 8-day climate ticket (8-Tage-Klimakarte). Special offers include passes for pupils, trainees and students, for example. More information about the entire range of tickets and passes offered by WIENER LINIEN is available, among others, at our information and ticket counters, on our ticket vending machines and on the website, as well as on our mobile app (WienMobil).
  2. You can buy tickets, for instance, at our information and ticket counters, at ticket vending machines, by using the WienMobil app, from our sales partners (tobacconists) or using our online ticket shop at
  3.  You must be in possession of a valid and, where necessary, validated ticket when passing the validator barrier at underground stations or when boarding trams (also refer to Point 4) or buses. In the event that you undertake a journey using a mobile ticket, you need to be able to present this via the WienMobil app from the time you cross the validation barrier at the underground station or after boarding trams or buses.
  4. If your stop is not equipped with a ticket machine, you need to purchase a valid ticket before boarding our vehicles (e.g. using the WienMobil app) or, when you are travelling by tram, from the ticket machine on board immediately after boarding.
  5. Keep your ticket safe until you leave the tram or bus, or until you cross the validation barrier at the underground station.
  6. Tickets that are written on (with the exception of cases where a name or an ID/student number has to be entered in pen), printed on, validated several times or incorrectly (e.g. on the reverse side) or modified in any other way (e.g. the cutting of ticket strips or lamination) are invalid.
  7. It is not possible to interrupt a journey when using a single ticket. If it is necessary to walk a short distance to change to a connecting service, this does not count as an interruption to of the journey.

D. Fares and refunds

  1. Please refer to the applicable fare regulations of Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region for the fare to be paid for your respective journey. These are available at our information and ticket counters and on our website at as well as via the WienMobil app.
  2. Please note that you will need to pay a higher fare if you purchase tickets on a tram. Have the exact amount of cash counted and ready as there is no guarantee that change can be given.
  3. Check your change immediately. Claims made at a later point in time cannot be accepted.
  4. You have no right to return tickets for the Vienna core zone and receive a refund. Any refunds granted by Wiener Linien are solely on a voluntary basis. Please refer to the fare regulations for the Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region for the relevant rules.

E. Ticket inspections

  1. In the event of an inspection, present your ticket and hand it over to the employee for inspection if requested to do so.
  2. If you are unable to present a valid (or validated) ticket beyond the validation barrier at in our underground stations or on our buses and trams, you will be required to pay an additional carriage fee in the amount of EUR 102.40 (see Point L.1.a) on the spot in addition to the regular fare (e.g. single ticket or reduced fare ticket). If you pay later, the additional carriage fee increases to EUR 112.40 or EUR 142.40 (see Points L.1.b and L.1.c).
  3. If you can prove at the U3 customer service centre of WIENER LINIEN at Erdberg ( within two weeks that you were the holder of a valid personalised ticket at the time of the inspection, the additional carriage fee will be waived.
  4. We reserve the right to charge an administrative fee of EUR 10.00 for any administrative work you cause (see Point L.2.).
  5. If you pay the additional carriage fee immediately, our staff will not process any personal data and you will remain anonymous. If you do not pay the additional carriage fee immediately, our employees are entitled to take steps to ascertain your name and address by means of your photo ID. If necessary, the police may also be called to provide assistance. If it is not possible to ascertain your identity with a photo ID, you will not be able to continue your journey.
  6. If you do not pay the additional carriage fee, WIENER LINIEN retains the right to initiate legal proceedings against you.

F. The most important rules of conduct

  1. Take a seat if possible on/in WIENER LINIEN’s vehicles; alternatively, hold on to one of the fixtures available.
  2. Be considerate of other passengers (e.g. older and frail individuals, people with small children and pregnant women).
  3. Passengers leaving the vehicle have priority over passengers boarding; keep the areas around the doors of vehicles free.
  4. Follow the instructions of WIENER LINIEN’s employees.

G. What is not allowed:

a) Any acts which disrupt smooth operations and/or which could hinder our personnel performing their duties. This also includes, inter alia, any behaviour which intrudes upon the private sphere of other individuals for a longer period or which is disrespectful.

b) Boarding or leaving vehicles after the corresponding audio and/or visual signals above the doors are activated.

c) Throwing and/or holding items out of the vehicles and/or out of or from a facility.

d) Standing or kneeing on the seats.

e) Smoking (including, for example, e-cigarettes and similar devices).

f) Excessive noise or music (with the exception of buskers approved by Wiener Linien performing within marked areas).

g) Any action or activity that presents a danger to other passengers (e.g. playing with fire or sharp and/or pointed objects and other similar items) or bothers them.

h) Using bicycles, skateboards, inline skates, scooters and other similar items.

i) Consuming alcoholic drinks.

j) Begging.

k) Offering and selling goods of any kind.

l) Carrying firearms as well as visible weapons of all kinds. (Exceptions apply to police, customs and military police personnel while on duty.)

m) Transporting dangerous objects and/or animals (see Point J.1 for exceptions).

n) Soiling our vehicles and facilities.

o) Travelling with dogs without a leash and a muzzle (see Point J.3 for exceptions).

p) Eating in our underground trains. It is however permitted to carry food with you in sealed containers.

q) Damaging our vehicles and facilities.

  1. If you violate one of the points a) to p) described above, you will be required to pay a fine of EUR 50.00. If you violate point q), you will be required to pay for the actual damage caused.
  2. Our vehicles and facilities are equipped with emergency equipment (emergency intercoms, emergency brakes, emergency door buttons, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and emergency hammers). Use this emergency equipment in case of danger to yourself or others, or if you need help. The following generally applies: In case of doubt, it is an emergency! In case of deliberate abuse, you will be required to pay a fine of EUR 93.00 (see Point L.4.).
  3. If your conduct on our vehicles and at our facilities results in a payment obligation as described above and you refuse to pay immediately, you will be required to present ID so that our employees can record your details. The police may also be contacted and you may be barred from further travel.

H. Exclusion from using our vehicles and facilities

  1. We will have to exclude you from using our vehicles and facilities if you endanger safety, disturb the peace and do not follow the instructions of our employees;
  2. It is forbidden for children under the age of six to use our facilities and vehicles without being accompanied by a responsible minor person of age.
  3. If you behave in a way while using our facilities and vehicles which represents grounds for exclusion, you may be requested by our employees to leave the facility or the vehicle. The fare paid will not be refunded in this case

The period of exclusion depends on the severity and frequency of the violation.

I) Special rules of conduct for travelling with hand luggage, wheelchairs, pushchairs and bicycles

1. In this context, hand luggage refers to items which you can place on your lap or hold in your hand which do not hinder, soil, disturb or endanger other passengers while travelling on our vehicles (e.g. folded scooters, shopping trolleys, etc.). These items can be transported free-of-charge on our vehicles and at our facilities. At their discretion, our employees may exclude you from (further) travel if the above preconditions are not met. In such cases, the fare will not be refunded and you may be obliged to pay damages.

Please appreciate that, for safety and space-related reasons, only one scooter per person is permitted in any of our vehicles.

Please take large backpacks off before boarding our vehicles out of consideration to other passengers.
You are obliged to attend to any items you bring with you at all times. In order to ensure the safety of all passengers, the police will be called in the event of any suspicious, unattended items being found. In this case, you may be obliged to pay damages – both to WIENER LINIEN and to the authorities involved.

2. If you use our vehicles and/or facilities with your wheelchair, please note that it must not exceed the following dimensions:

  • Width: max. 800 mm
  • Length: max. 1,250 mm
  • Turning circle: max. 1,500 mm
  • Weight (including person and baggage): max. 250kg

The diameter of the wheels must be such that you can travel over the gap between the vehicle and platform edge or the fold-out ramp without any problem.

The wheelchair must have a working brake.

Only use the entrances correspondingly marked for wheelchairs. Park your wheelchair in the designated parking areas facing the appropriate direction. Set the brake and also secure it using the fixing equipment provided. Please understand that we are only able to transport you if there is sufficient space available.

3. Every pushchair must have at least one responsible minor person of age accompanying it.
Only use the entrances correspondingly marked for pushchairs. Park the pushchair in the designated parking areas facing the appropriate direction. Set the brake and secure it using the fixing equipment provided.
If you are travelling with a double pushchair, use the entrances and parking areas designated for wheelchairs.
For safety reasons, it is forbidden to travel on escalators with a pushchair.
Set the brake to prevent your pushchair rolling away and beware of the draft caused by underground trains arriving at platforms and possible crowding at stations.

4. It is only permitted to take bicycles on the underground Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and from 6:30 pm until close, and the whole day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
This applies only to standard bicycles with one seat and two wheels without a motor and for battery-operated e-bikes. Freight bicycles, carrier cycles, Segways and the like are prohibited.
It is only permitted to push bicycles at our stations facilities. For safety reasons, it is forbidden to travel on escalators with a bicycle.
Only use the marked entrances for your bicycle and park it at an angle to the direction of travel. There is only space for a maximum of two bicycles per entrance area. Passengers in a wheelchair or passengers with pushchairs have priority. In the event that all parking spaces are already occupied, we ask you to wait for the next underground train.
Please note that you have no right to be transported with your bicycle and, in particular, to transport several bicycles at once. If necessary, please wait for the next underground train that has enough available space.
In case of doubt, our employees will decide on whether it is permitted to transport items, wheelchairs, pushchairs and bicycles.

J. Travelling with animals

  1. You may take small, harmless pets into our facilities and on our vehicles free of charge. These animals must be kept in a closed box (e.g. a travel basket for cats) in such a way that prevents other passengers from being injured or soiled.
  2. Dogs that are not in a closed box must have a muzzle, a leash and a valid ticket in accordance with the fare regulations of Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region. If a valid ticket for the dog cannot be presented upon inspection, the dog’s owner will be required to pay an additional carriage fee pursuant to Point L.1.).
  3. In the case of assistance dogs (i.e. signal, service and guide dogs) that are registered as such, these do not require a leash, muzzle or ticket.
  4. Please note that it is not permitted to travel with a dog and a bicycle at the same time.

K. Lost and forgotten items

  1. We do not accept any responsibility for items left behind, forgotten or lost at our facilities and on our vehicles.
  2. Our employees take charge of items found at our facilities and on our vehicles. We are unable to issue a confirmation regarding a finder’s reward (Finderlohn).
  3. Items found will only be handed over at the lost property office of the City of Vienna (Zentrales Fundservice der Stadt Wien), the office of which is located at Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 3, Vienna 1050, reachable on +43 1 4000-8091 and under

L. Fines and fees

1.) Additional carriage fee pursuant to Point E.2.) and Point J.2.)
a.) If paid immediately: EUR 102,40
b.) If paid within two weeks: EUR 112.40
c.) If paid later: EUR 142.40

2.) Administration fee pursuant to Point E.4.) EUR 10.00
3.) Fine pursuant to Point G. a) – p, Fine pursuant to Point M. EUR 50.00
4.) Fine pursuant to Point G.2.) EUR 93.00

Published by: Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
Company register no. 181593z
Represented by: Wiener Linien GmbH
Comp. reg. no. 174296v
VAT no (UID): ATU 47055001
A-1030 Vienna, ErdbergstraĂźe 202
Post box 63
Line U3 Erdberg

Wiener Linien Customer Service

  • Do you have questions about your ticket? Have you been found without a valid ticket and have to pay an additional fee? Do you have questions or problems when buying tickets online? Do you have praise, a complaint or a suggestion for us? Whatever concern you have: We are happy to take care of it!

Get in touch with us